Dear Physician,
Thank you.
Thank you for the deep love and care you have for others, for your sacrifice and dedication to mastering the human body—all so others can feel better and live better.
But if I understand you at all, you chose this path not just because of your love of medicine, but because of that deeper, unexplainable drive that pushes you forward into something that really matters—to you and to our world.
You save lives. You bring comfort. You bring healing.
Not just to patients, but to their families too.
I can’t imagine the disappointment you felt at the moment you realized your healing work would come with so many other burdens. You’re demanded to be an expert in insurance, billing, pharma, accounting, tax, HR, investments, software, business and so much more. They didn’t teach you money in medical school, nor should they.
But yet, here you are—needing to handle more than just a little bit of it!
You deserve to be advised, guided and protected in the complexities of tax, finance, accounting, and business so that you can relax—staying focused on what you are meant to do.
The world needs you to practice your art—the art of saving lives.
That’s why we put so much emphasis on keeping your financial life simple and understandable.
Financial overwhelm creeps in so easily. The reason we started our firm is to expertly hold that very boundary—keeping the overwhelm out, and keeping you in your healing works.
We take the financial management burden off of you because, well, that’s our art. This is how we help the world.
We’re with you, Physician.
🤍 Angie
—Angie M. Grainger
Founder, Prosperent Co